eric cartman criminal record

Liane Cartman Thats the perfect name for The Fat Kid." He often idolizes people whom he feels share his various bigotries and aims. He also weighs 90 pounds, as revealed in "Weight Gain 4000". Main Characters. However this kind of speciesism against alien races is very rarely seen in the show. In "1%", someone begins destroying Cartman's toys after he was told to grow up. The act is dropped when we see Cartman voicing Polly as she "confesses" to the murders, claiming that the others were right, that Cartman had to grow up. Grade In "AWESOM-O" he dressed as a robot to trick Butters, but in the end this failed miserably and Butters happily showed a tape of Cartman dressed like Britney Spears in front of everyone for revenge. He instructs Clyde to travel back in time and kill Kyle, but was intervened by the older Kyle, before getting into a fight. Still, despite her taking a more firm stance with Cartman, Liane will still often spoil him, due in large to part to pre-emptively avoid his tantrums as seen in "You're Getting Old". In the episode Super Best Friends (Season 5, Episode 3) David Blaine visits South Park and wows everyone with his edgy street magic. Cartman and Butters suffer great injuries together during "Super Fun Time". He then made them kidnap all the children in town and hold them in a cage over a pit of lava, but managed to convince them to stop when he was told by Kyle that his case of "Gingervitus" was a prank. In the early episode "Chickenlover", Cartman receives a nightstick (otherwise known as a baton) due to his duty as police officer. In "Go God Go" he gets Butters to bury him in snow so that he can be unfrozen three weeks later in time for the release of the Wii video game console. In "Follow That Egg! Cartman is also a very good leader as a pirate captain, in "Fatbeard", when he convinces all the Somalian pirates to join his crew, and causes so much trouble to international shipping that the United States Navy had to track him down and kill his crew. Although initially surprised, Cartman lets out moans of pleasure, just before a fifty-foot satellite dish shoots out of his rectum. In the future timeline set in South Park: Post Covid, he has converted to Judaism and becomes a rabbi, and has a Jewish wife with three children, all of which was met with skeptism from Kyle. His Christian rock group "Faith + 1" sold 1,000,000 copies of its album in the episode "Christian Rock Hard" with the intent of earning a platinum album but according to the Christian Music Association their artists only receive Myrrh for this achievement. [3] Karpman was known for being slightly overweight, short, very obnoxious and skilled with his verbal comebacks. A clip featuring South Park's chief troublemaker Eric Cartman using transgender identity politics for his own ends has gone viral 8 years after it originally aired on Comedy Central. Ironically, despite (or perhaps because of) these qualities, Cartman also seems to be a natural leader, able to utilize overwhelming charisma and rhetoric to gain the obedience of large groups on a moment's notice (as in "The Passion of the Jew"), appearing to be innately aware of how to take advantage of "mob mentality" and direct it toward accomplishing his personal goals, as has been evidenced in countless episodes throughout the series' history. Apparently during the night of the Drunk Barn Dance, Liane proceeded to have sex with assorted men and women; however Jack was the one who impregnated her. Throughout South Park, Cartman has done a lot of terrible things to those around him, including his friends and family. The fact Cartman does this could indicate an unconscious sexual desire towards men (Ben Affleck in-particular in this case), Cartman's extreme lengths to trick his friend (despite them not being present to witness the hand jobs, making the actions pointless in the grand scheme of things), or that Cartman's Mitch Conner is part of a psychological break resulting in a multiple personality. A similar instance can be seen during "Cartman Sucks", although Kyle only punches Cartman in the arm. In "Trapper Keeper" when the cyborg says he has to kill Cartman, Stan asks if he can do it, and prepares to shoot Cartman before the cyborg decides against the idea. Kenny does not take part in smashing Eric's electronics in "Skank Hunt". He is never shown out right hating black people (although he does believe in several stereotypes), and is shown several times playing with Tolkien and seeking advice from Chef (one of the few characters on the show Cartman generally respected). In the later seasons, she has been shown to be strict with him as seen in "Coon 2: Hindsight", "Coon vs. Coon & Friends", and "HUMANCENTiPAD" all of which show her not only following through with punishments, but also showing obvious disgust with Cartman's behaviour. In "Die Hippie, Die", when a group leaves to conduct a rescue mission, all the group members say goodbye to a person close to each of them, except Cartman who bids farewell to Clyde Frog. SAN DIEGO, CAA criminal complaint was unsealed today charging 43 defendants with participating in a federal racketeering (RICO) conspiracy. And in the episode, "A Ladder to Heaven", when Cartman drinks Kenny's ashes mistaking them for chocolate milk, leaving Kenny's soul trapped in his body, until the episode "The Biggest Douche in the Universe". This passive attitude however seemed to be only temporary, as seen in "Crippled Summer", in which during Towelie's intervention on national TV, each of the boys is asked to read a pre-written statement about their feelings for Towelie. Cartman gains the ability to fire electricity at people in "South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut" by way of a defective V-Chip. While Cartman did not necessarily pronounce the German words correctly, it was pretty clear that he understood what they meant in English and his followers did not. Cartman has a cat named Mr. Kitty, and a pot-bellied pig named Fluffy Mr. Kitty and Fluffy have never been seen together in the series thus far. Also in Pee, his ignorance is again displayed when he thinks all the minorities in "his" water park are what the Mayans predicted and by 2012, the apocalypse will be when the whole world is minorities. All this occurs in "The Jeffersons". The series launched in the summer of 1997 with "Cartman Gets An Anal Probe" which saw the town of South Park visited by aliens who repeatedly abduct Cartman at night and install an anal probe that begins to oddly affect his behavior. He physically abuses others, both through his fists and weapons (such as when he hit Tolkien Black and Pip Pirrip with rocks). Cartman was the first one of the boys to be shown without his hat, as seen in "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!". Cartman has made a reputation out of his longing for authority, or "authoritah." Even the most minuscule amount of authority turns Cartman into a pretty abrasive person. in the "Chickenlover" episode is covered by The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. In "Fatbeard", growing sick of school, he devises a plan to go to Somalia to become a pirate. But given the fact that it caused a large argument in the middle of the city between his group and some Jews, and given the violent and ignorant nature of most adults in South Park, it would not be surprising if it had turned into violence if allowed to continue. While Cartman claims this to be an act in the end, these sexual actions seems to be unconsciously executed, due to the fact that during or after, Cartman is both shocked and disgusted. In "Make Love, Not Warcraft", when everyone else gives up playing World of Warcraft, he devises a plan to defeat 'the griefer' and successfully motivates the other boys to join him. Clyde joined Cartman's pirate crew in "Fatbeard". Cousins Cartman tells her that he does not think she is ugly, which makes Shelley feel better. In "Fat Butt and Pancake Head", his hand has an affair with Ben Affleck, gets signed onto a record company, and almost gets him killed by Jennifer Lopez. His cat has been on the show since the series began, and his love for cats could have developed from his lack of other family members besides his mother; he has no father or siblings. Cartman also may harbor some bigotry towards African-Americans. In "Ass Burgers", Kyle and Cartman have quite a few friendly moments together. He usually tries to prove Craig wrong and annoy him. The two of them often have arguments about morals, like in "Up the Down Steroid", where Cartman decides to pretend to be mentally handicapped so he can win the "Special Olympics". Cartman shows a pathological degree of impatience when forced to do something he does not want to do or when he has to wait for something he wants. In later episodes "ManBearPig" and "Guitar Queer-O", Cartman is seen to be playing basketball with the other boys, however he is not nearly as talented as he seems to think or the others. He used it to "persuade" Kyle into giving him his Jew Gold in "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow." In "Cartman Sucks" he repeatedly invited Butters over to spend the night to play pranks on him, until it backfired on him and he made an inappropriate picture which featured him putting Butter's penis in his mouth, and which ended up being showed to the entire fourth grade class, humiliating Cartman instead of Butters. However, Jimmy seems to be one of the few people that Cartman respects and is willing to do good deeds for. Cartman is fat, self-centered, racist, sexist, a murder, and just a general asshole. He has extremely exaggerated anger issues and violent tendencies when upset. I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him, because I think he was awesome, but you would, right?" In "The Return of Chef" he threatened a woman with, "Bitch, I'll twist your nuts off". He is the "innocent child" in the group and Cartman's most exploited and possibly best "friend". He has been arrested for his mistakenly assumed hate crime, kidnapping Butters, framing Liane for operating a meth lab, being with Stan Marsh on "Whale Whores" (The prison Cartman went to for this assumed crime was Japanese), and incarcerating hippies. This shown especially in "It's a Jersey Thing", where it was not until after Kyle left did he start crying from being attacked by him, and then later used it to convince other boys to lock him in a meat locker. He once pushes an unnamed kid up against a wall, until the kid showed him his hall pass, after which Cartman acts as if nothing happened. Kyle points out to him that Kenny dying twice would be impossible and Cartman goes along with it noticing the logic. On the other extreme, in the movie, he called The Mole a "'British piece of' shit", despite The Mole being supposedly French. Contents 1 Background 1.1 Name 1.2 Voice 1.3 Criminal Record 1.4 Health 1.5 Injuries 1.6 Talents and Interests 1.6.1 Intelligence and Memory 1.6.2 Dance ", and Bebe leans away from her computer and flips Cartman off, saying that she killed him within the game, when Cartman's character respawns, he immediately attacks Bebe and refers to her as a "bitch". Cartman uncapped in "How to Eat with Your Butt". In "Bass to Mouth", when Mr. Mackey claimed that Cartman killed himself for being fat when the school faculty "threw him under the bus", Stan was only concerned with preventing Eavesdropper from publishing the biggest story. Cartmans farts are shown to be highly toxic and even deadly in ", Cartmans farts are apparently harmless if they imbued with food and ingested, as no one gets sick from eating them in ", Cartman is shown to undergo several things that would most likely help him psychologically; he sees a therapist in ", Cartman's stuffed animal Clyde Frog was decapitated by Kyle in a fit of rage after he was infected with AIDS by Cartman in ". and began performing CPR on his dying "friend". Phone: (562) 570-7381. Current Also in the episode "Butt Out", he noticed that Kenny was eating his own hand out of boredom. Felony status or serious driving offenses (e.g., DUI). [4], Trey Parker and Matt Stone have repeatedly stated that Cartman is their ultimate favorite of all the characters in the show. Cartman could be best described as having sadistic personality disorder with passive-aggressive traits, also known as a "Tyrannical Sadist". ", Cartman saves Kyle and his family when a large storm is about to go towards their house in San Francisco. In desperation, Polly asks Cartman to kill her, which he reluctantly does. In "The Entity", Kyle described Cartman as "my sort of friend-ish", as his best explanation of their relationship. However, in the same episode, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny express concern over Cartman's safety and keep a lookout at Tolkien's house to protect him. At the end of Season Twenty, in "The End of Serialization as We Know It", Heidi and Eric stay together, although Eric is disappointed in her. The reasons for this are never fully explained, although in one episode "Cartmanland", after inheriting a million dollars from his grandmother, he reveals that he wishes to buy his own amusement park so he would not have to wait in lines for the rides. His most frequent targets are adults and Butters, though he often targets other children for more personal purposes, including convincing Butters to "take one for the team" and be anally gang-raped by men from NAMBLA in "Cartman Joins NAMBLA", and repeatedly convincing Kyle that he is doing good, only to exploit Kyle's help later on. Who just shot me?! Although to be fair, these are all incredibly tame compared to everything he did that he managed not to get arrested for! Cartman nearly always plays with these toys by himself, perhaps out of embarrassment or (just as likely) mean-spiritedness. Cartman is horrified to learn that Scott's father was also his father. Although at the end Cartman walked away sad, when she said they were friends again. In "Douche and Turd" Cartman easily gets Butters to vote for his idea of a "turd sandwich" simply by describing the candidates in a certain way. In "Cartoon Wars Part II", Cartman used it to threaten the president of FOX, however he realizes soon that he forgot to load it, causing him to throw it to the ground in frustration. Despite their previous friendship, he seemed to resent his presence in "Dead Celebrities" when he possessed Ike and may not have recognized him. The schemes he has tried include; becoming a part of the Denver "tooth racket"; and stealing Tooth Fairy money from kids, starting a boy band called Fingerbang, and forming his own church and embezzling its collection money These all failed miserably for several reasons. ", but leaves after he is put into a "gay" move by Butters, who was told by the teacher to do so. Cartman, along with the ret of the town, gets addicted to guns in "PC Principal Final Justice", although he does not fire one. A.W.E.S.O.M.-O 4000The CoonTime ChildMing LeeBad IreneThe Rad RussianThe DawgGrand Wizard King During the process he compliments Butters on his size. Eric is quite possibly morbidly obese. Cartman also appears to enjoy teen pop, as demonstrated in his Britney Spears dance sequence in "AWESOM-O". In "Something You Can Do with Your Finger", Cartman says that Wendy has huge boobs; this could be him trying to impress her by saying she looks attractive. Eric Bieniemy had a lengthy arrest record as an active NFL player Kansas City Chiefs offensive coordinator Eric Bieniemy is a hot name on the coaching carousel, despite a lengthy rap sheet of legal issues as a player. He is shown to be randomly strumming a guitar and beating the drums so he is not too good at them. Scott is traumatized and horror-stricken, and Cartman gloats and laughs hysterically at the inconsolable Tenorman, while licking Scott's "tears of unfathomable sadness" off his face with intense pleasure. This may echo the Scott Tennorman incident, stressing the importance of why it is not a good idea to provoke Cartman, as terrible consequences may ensue if you are not within his immediate "circle of friends". He tried to help Kyle delete Kip Drordy and get new friends by using Chat Roulette, but the only result he got were men masturbating and pictures of penises. Despite this, Kyle beat up Cartman in the more recent "Tonsil Trouble" without hesitation. In the end of the trilogy's first part, Cartman is seen with a photo of an innocent looking Kyle. Cartman also seems to share many of the shows creators' (Trey Parker and Matt Stone) more controversial opinions, despite both of them modeling Stan and Kyle after themselves. Throughout the entire episode, Cartman is motivated solely by his desire to put Billy Mays' soul to rest, never once expressing any intention to gain anything from this endeavor in the process. In "Raisins", Bebe tells Stan that Wendy wants to break up with Stan, leading to a heated argument between Cartman and Bebe, Cartman calls Bebe a whore numerous times to which Bebe calls Cartman a fat ass. No Hat Cartman has an incredibly extensive criminal record for a ten-year-old, and that's just including the crimes he was arrested for. Kyle reprimands Cartman for this, saying that Heidi is a nice girl, and tells him that he should just break up with her instead of creating horrible schemes to get rid of her, adding that she did not deserve to be treated so badly. In "Funnybot", Cartman speaks German to the Germans, seemingly offering them Kyle as a way to make peace with them, or just kill him. Age And despite Chef's willingness to help Cartman, he like everyone else in town, is more than willing to insult Cartman and call him fat. This has been parodied as well, in the clich of a typical villain becoming benevolent. When Jimmy later questions his motive behind pursuing Kyle to get him to suck his balls as being "a little faggy", he explains that it was all to humiliate Kyle. However, the fact that Kyle challenges Cartman more than any other character in the series, may in fact be the core reason for Cartman's obsessive fixation on him. Have you ever wondered how long Cartman's prison sentence would be in real life? Cartman has been shown to be an expert in the act of ventriloquism, as shown in "Fat Butt and Pancake Head", "200", and "201". Other examples include Cartman's strong distaste of hippies, to the point that he has personally kept them out of South Park since he was 4 years old, and his belittlement of the Catholic Church as extremist, homophobic, and a supporter of pedophiles (in "Medicinal Fried Chicken"). Before releasing a crime or arrest report, the LBPD will notify the investigator handling the case, who must approve the release. The worst of these include hate crimes, incarcerating hippies, whaling, and kidnapping Butters. He also told everyone about Mr. Jefferson. Ironically, Cartman has an aunt who is red-haired. There are also moments such as in "Faith Hilling" where the two share a common goal. Cartman likely has blue irises, as, due to the events of "The Succubus", he has Kenny's eyes, which were shown with blue in "Starvin' Marvin". This is similar to the Saw movies. In "Tsst", he is slightly thinner, although in later episodes, he was shown to have regained the lost weight. It appears that Liane is convinced of her son's goodness and accepts any excuses or stories he makes up, no matter how improbable. He seems to have some liberal beliefs, he never openly states that he is a Republican but does say that Democrats piss him off, although he does not need to have any objection to them protesting in "I'm a Little Bit Country". Cartman's most passionate abhorrence is aimed at hippies, though he seems to use this term for liberals in general. Eric Theodore Cartman Cartman appears to be musically talented. She thus desires that Cartman be her 'friend', and will do anything to keep him happy. Cartman finds Polly Prissypants in a chair, with a revolver. Cesar's methods work, and Cartman becomes a normal, good natured, well behaved boy. In the episode "201" Cartman completely ignores the fact that he got his own father killed and fed to his half-brother and is more concerned about being half-ginger. Wrong and annoy him abhorrence is aimed at hippies, though he seems to musically. The more recent `` Tonsil Trouble '' without hesitation of friend-ish '', he that... Cartman becomes a normal, good natured, well behaved boy Kenny does take! 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