can donkeys eat goat feed

We do not supplement his grazing, but the field is large enough that he has plenty of food. According, Making a powder horn from a cow horn is a simple process that can be done at home with a few tools and supplies. A grazing muzzle can allow him to eat, but slow his progress down so he doesnt consume quite as much. As long as the donkey is maintaining body condition and has normal bowel movements and is eating hay/pasture, drinking and has salt available free choice, I would just avoid the grain for a while or try a different type of product and observe behavior. If it is an intact jack, then gelding might be useful. If you make the gap small enough for goats, your donkeys wont be able to fit their head inside and wont eat their feed. In this case, we would recommend you seek advice from your local agricultural extension agent or agronomist. May want to consider offering a mineral as well. If you cant separate him, then try a grazing muzzle to limit his access to pasture. I had a vet come out to check the donkey over and she said he looks to be in good condition, although he does have some fat along his neck, and approx. But what you may not know is that cow's milk can cause constipation. I live in a remote area so my options are limited. Something like a senior horse feed would be ideal for getting them back into condition, and then a transition to quality hay and a supplement for the long term would be good. My mare had a foal on Monday and passed away, I have to raise the foal, Ive phoned a sancuary and the lady advised me to give my newborn donkey any sheep milk replacement, so I did, but since yesturday, she is having diarrhea. But, if you're planning on staying on an island for an extended period of, The best dairy cow breed is a hotly contested topic among dairy farmers. Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! Very sorry to hear that you lost your mare. The pasture/enclosure needs to have safe fencing and be large enough so that the animals can establish appropriate distance between them and get out of each others way. Selenium is most often not found in the natural pasture of goats in some woodlands. We also give her one snack a day cut up a banana or carrot or apple. If you already have goats and get a donkey, you might wonder [] The typical carcass weights between 280 350 lbs. We just lost her companion a couple months ago due to colic. It is important to monitor body condition and make sure the donkeys do not get overweight. Most American donkeys eat grass hay, such as Bermuda or Timothy hay. The donkey waa still under weight which he age may have also attributed to. It is cut from the rear end of the short loin, and includes a T-shaped bone with meat on each side., Most of the beef consumed in the United States comes from cows raised in feedlots. If you are here then I assume you want to learn about farming, farm animals, gardening, and equipment. He came with the property we bought in southern france. Debi Mullen. You face a common problem with donkey owners overfeeding. If your donkeys do get at a little bit theyll certainly enjoy the taste it wont be a massive problem. Donkeys need to eat hay and coarse pasture to get all the nutrition they need and require. Medicated goat feed usually contains bovatec and rumensin, which are antibiotics that are highly toxic to donkeys and other equine species. Vet was coming the following day. Hand-made feed is a good example of that. If behavior persists after offering salt free choice, you may want to offer a good equine or multi-species non-medicated mineral. When not writing, Greg spends his time traveling, riding his motorcycle, and doting on his 7-year-old daughter, Valery. Most donkey owners who keep goats and donkeys together report that their donkeys seem to enjoy the goats feed and love to compete with them for it. Goat feed is most often fed by placing the feed in their eating trough from which they can access the feed. DONKEYS WITH OTHER ANIMALS. Dairy cows can and should be given preventive doses of anthelmintics (dewormers) during the grazing season to reduce the risk of, There are a number of reasons why cow milk is not considered good for humans. However, ionophores are EXTREMELY toxic to equines. You can also use something like foal feeders to prevent donkeys getting at goat feed. These acids are absorbed and converted into energy. And no indication they had even been there. After all, donkeys arent traditional pet animals, and they dont sell donkey kibble at the pet store. What Is Goat Feed Missing That My Donkeys Need? Thanks for reaching out! Donkeys, in general, are more efficient than horses and require less intake to maintain or gain weight, so I would recommend starting at the low end of feeding rates. to keep her from getting over weight. Hi Genia, Thanks for your question, and for rescuing those donkeys! Yes, if you have the ability to separate him, then do so. These ingredients all serve the purpose of providing the right nutrients including energy, crude protein and vitamins to the goats. Congratulations on rescuing this family of donkeys. Donkeys can indeed be very territorial and protective. Youll want to start him out slow and work him up over a period of 7-10 days, if you suspect he hasnt been eating much at all, to avoid any digestive upset. While under a visual inspection the digestive tract of a donkey and horse is the same, the way donkeys ferment and use fiber is unique. Hi! Thanks for the question! He has always ate grain and hay with no issues. Is it Good for Them? Take him for walks, lunge him if you can do so safely, etc. Maybe he knows! We bought a round bale of coastal hay, but arent sure how much to feed them. Baby donkeys should not be fed goat feed as goats dont contain the nutritional requirements they need to grow and survive. Old timers used to say that donkeys are very responsive to anything that made them uncomfortable and learn to graze very selectively, more so than horses. Donkeys can eat goat feed however, it doesn't contain the necessary nutrients which they require and as such should not be made a major part of their diet. Nov 20, 2016 Thread starter #3 akamoot Whats the best food to feed a donkey, for example, and what will happen if you provide goat feed to a donkey? But just a few minutes afterward his lower belly the secure region became doey. The rib area is located between the shoulder and the loin of the cow. Below are several health problems that too much protein can cause. These cows are typically moved to the feedlots when they are about 500 pounds heavier, No one really knows for sure whether or not there are make cows. The donkey gets 1 carrot plus 1/4 cup or less of Omolene. Thank you for your interesting question about feeding donkeys. Because rescue animals may also be salt starved and also have limited microflora in the gut, I recommend making loose salt available, starting with 2-4 ounces per head per day and working up to free choice and using a probiotic paste when introducing the animals to feed to help get the gut populated. I have a mini mule that use to only eat grass and hay. We also have a feild with some grass. Do all the animal have salt available free choice? We have consulted multiple vets and others about their problems with no solutions. Goat feed is typically infused with several vitamins and minerals that donkeys dont need, including copper and iron. The donkeys might have allergic reactions to the mold which can be fatal. Just give a little hay. Hello Franci, Thanks for the question. They were dry but fully formed and Intack. Hi. Any advice on these issues would be greatly appreciated! One is to make sure she is well-fed and healthy. Access to hedgerows or cut branches provides not only a source of food but also mental stimulation as the donkeys indulge in a more natural style of feeding. Hi Sandy, I am taking in my first two donkeys this weekend, a rescue mini and a medium, and would like some feedback on what is the best hay to give them. I went to that location. I currently have a mare that needs the company. They also carry different parasites, so they won . Feeding grains will also make them bray every time they see you. You should be able to reduce the reaction by a gradual program of having the donkey being led or confined, then very gradually habituating the donkey to movements. Donkeys and goats do not have the same nutritional needs, making feeding time complicated. Pet Keen is reader-supported. Willow (the foal) also had some bone maturity issues and has overcome those very successfully as well and is growing nicely and fully normal. I raise goats and just got a small standard Jenny. The former is a problem that negatively affects your donkeys blood, and the latter condition will affect its liver. Also (and this is critical), medicated goat feed can be fatal to a donkey. As goat feed is usually fortified with vitamins and minerals specific to goats, its not suitable for donkeys. Thank you ~ Gina T. Hello! For example, if you make your goat feed at home (or on your farm) and dont fortify the ingredients with extra iron, protein, copper, and so forth, both your goats and your donkeys will have no problem eating the feed. There are some very good articles online about training donkeys as guard animals. For feeding him, yes, he can absolutely eat the same feeds generally donkeys just need less than horses do. One girl est 15 to 18 yrs old, her daughter probably 8 yrs old. A diet too high in protein will also cause a donkeys body to become over acidic. This problem, in turn, can cause a donkeys heart to beat incorrectly (arrhythmia). Cows' milk is not appropriate for fawns. Is this harmful for my donkey. Learn more. Best wishes on success feeding your donkey! Over-acidity can also cause the breakdown of the hard and soft tissue of a donkeys body, including its bones and organs. Donkeys respect the same fencing as sheep, goats, or calves, although donkeys will chew on wooden fences or posts. I did give him water. I have spent every day working with him and he now comes to me and can be rubbed but he is still head shy and i cant get a collar on him. You can also ensure your donkeys get plenty of the correct food, so they arent interested in eating goat feed. Wed fine Thursday respiration waa high. The first is to feed your donkeys in a different place away from your other animals. Your best indicator is to start at the recommended level (1.5 2% of their bodyweight per day). She has a salt block and mineral block available at all times. We currently have five donkeys 1 (20+ yr. old) mammoth, 1 standard (around 14 y/o), a 9 y/o mini, 2 y/o mini & our new baby who was born in May (also a mini). I have read so much online, I am admittedly confused on feeding. Thanks for the question! Well we used to have goats but had to sell them. As weve seen, too much protein causes a donkeys body to become acidic. That means after a cow is impregnated, she will carry her calf for about 285 days until it, No, brown cows do not produce chocolate milk. They can eat an apple on a daily basis but the quantity should remain one apple a day. Thank you for your very interesting question about your recently adopted donkey. He is eating a little grass but they arent giving him any thing else.his mom is not feeding him.he is drinking a little water.I want him to have a better live an jus need to know to feed him right when I get him . The enhanced nutrient profile of the feed sometimes causes donkeys to experience founder or colic. Yes,, There is a lot of debate on whether cow's milk causes phlegm. Hi Both donkeys are used to eating their fill of grass and are not happy to be restricted. The price of a quarter cow can vary depending on the butcher, but it is typically around $700., The amount of pasture required for each cow depends on a number of factors, including the type of cow, the quality of the pasture, and the grazing management system.