baldur's gate 2 enhanced edition romance guide

So I thought Id mention I was seeing someone. It also has a pernicious habit of crashing when you try to save your game but not before deleting the savegame that you were trying to overwrite. You must complete Rasaad's personal quest in order to commit to the relationship. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All of the games in the serieswith the exception of the original Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coastfeature optional romance paths for a selection of NPC companions. After travelling with you for at least a day, Neera says, Umm. So, why did I go through the trouble? Initial Encounter. 2023 Hasbro, But his uh, actions and, uh decisions proved that Oh Hells! WHAT you are. Sur la Couronne de Cuivre, vous trouverez astuces, soluces, discussions, encyclopdies, mods, traductions et bien plus encore ! All rights reserved. It'll return a numerical value; 0 means the romance has not started, 1 means it has started, 2 means it has progressed to "committed," and 3 means it has ended. Values in between represent a neutral reaction. You might not get these talks all this exact order, but this is the order I got them in. Had you done that before? (You can say that you did, right after killing Sarevok, which provokes a somewhat positive response from her, So you had your Sword Coast Dalliances as well!) Alternatively, you can give the smartest answer a man should give in such real life circumstances, No. Then he was kidnapped. If you are attacked by magic, you have a chance to shrug off the effects or take reduced damage, depending on the magic. Not bad! Talking to you is one of the greatest pleasures in my life. Her response isnt that positive, with I dont even know if youre joking. The playthrough was done on Core Rules difficulty. Unfortunately, Baldur's Gate 2 is not sufficiently nuanced to make this possible without metagaming. most of the NPC in this game require you to be Human or elf or half elf to romance. The man, back in Baldurs Gate. Say back to her, No you didnt tell me that, not directly. She chuckles at that, saying, Ha. Before I came to Amn, back on the Sword Coast Well, at this point you are going to have to choose if you want a relationship with a complicated girl. Category. Video Games Consoles and Accessories. Interactive, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their As soon as you leave the bridge district, she will meet you in a space in between sections of the city and ask you to meet her at the Wild Forest. See step 1, above) Out of the blue, but when you have already cultivated a relationship with Neera, she says, Hey! Banthony you are correct sir.Neera is a moron. About Telana and the others, about your issues, about And here is where you emotionally support the woman who thinks you might just walk away from her, who is really interested in you but doesnt want her heart broken again and and again and thrown in the trash like it always has been before and sometimes by her It gets complicated with her, of course, so you say, Us. LT14-LT16 can occur before completing his next personal quest. Ill have a Shadowdark Ale. If I'm being generous, I'd say that Beamdog's writers were still trying to find their voice. . trademarks of Bioware Corp. Black Isle Studios and the Black Isle If you want to go ahead, say, Yes. She begins her tale: Once upon a time, there was a mysterious handsome orphan. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition > Guides > DnD Detective's Guides 370 ratings NPC Guide for BG2EE By DnD Detective I want to start off by emphasising that while this guide is very detailed you should be generally able to read through individual NPC's in it and still get fairly detailed information. But after enough real time has passed, an npc shows up to talk to Jaheira when you transition screens. So, you arrived in Athkatla recently? If you make the wrong choice in one of these conversations, you can cut the romance off at the knees. You cleaned it all up. I cranked out v1.04 just a few days after the release of Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition, and the same day that version of the BGEE guide went up, I downloaded and started work on the BG2EE guide. Well I dont know. I met someone. Lets get moving. yes no. So encourage her. Gorion's Ward will then have a few dialog options to try, which may effect the outcome of the romance. Since you won't be able to get off a spell with a lengthy casting time before opponents get the chance to attack you, you will want to cast magic from a safe distance. The Archer kit may obtain Grand Mastery in bow weapons. This game first introduced romances to the series. Kobolds, xvarts, ogres, wyverns. Nor do you want to sound so certain that you are insincere. you could also attempt to kick them from the party, if they mention 'things won't be the same between us' then you are in a romance. Especially since I came upon the Baldur's Gate series almost 20 years late? If you say, Oh really? Note that this only applies to melee weapons - missile weapons have different base attack rates which may be one per combat round for a crossbow, but three per round for darts. I guess thats important. (She is very nice when she gets tender so suddenly. Neera and the rations, a.k.a. If you have two romancable toons in your party and they both are getting lovey dovey, a point will come up where you have to pick one, and let the other possibly leave your group. They were trying to kill him. Really. And you close this round by saying, Very well, Ill do my best to get by until youre ready. The end for now, The next time you are outside when the sun rises Are you ready for your uplifting story? says Neera. She says, Also drinking! Is there any other reasonable answer? Athkatla must look just as big to you, if not bigger. No! Two days later, having just solved the Riddle of the Sewers, and returned to the Copper Coronet Im really, really tired today, says Neera. But haggard. It's not all roses, however. You actually smell more like oregano. The one issue I noticed, is when you run into a fight with Jaheira's friend, even if you persuaded her not to fight and she leaves, Jaheira talks as if you killed her friend.dunno how to resolve that. Try to go with it, though. But do it nicely.) Instead, you should say, I see. Anomen will always think the protagonist is a woman, even if they are male). A woman worth waiting for is really worth waiting for. Short of . Thats all you really need. My last wild surge did something odd to my dry rations. You can say, What did it do? and get a normal response. That uncertainty is what I feel now. The answer I chose was, Some people call it love. She says, Do they? But when you exit the city, she resumes the romance storyline: You look down. If you respond, The challenges I face keep getting more difficult, it seems. Only single-classed Fighters may attain a greater proficiency level than 2 in most weapons. If the protagonist is romancing Aerie, he will eventually clash with Haer'Dalis. He travelled all around the countryside, caring for those who needed care, killing those who needed killing, and helping many people find objects that wouldve otherwise been lost forever. You should say, Go on. She continues, During his travels, he met a beautiful half-elven lady who captivated him with her quick wit and general usefulness. In Tactical Mode, you scroll the camera to a spot and then press "X" to have your party move there. Whether you do or dont doesnt affect Neeras response to you: she doesnt want to hear about it. Or several. To have a reasonable chance of hitting an enemy with a weapon, you must spend at least one proficiency point to become proficient in its use. When I left the High Forest, I thought I was leaving all that behind. Perhaps it is significant that my character is a **ranger** in context of what she says. If the party's reputation grows too high (19+) for Viconia's liking, or if she is removed from the party, she will depart the game permanently. All you have to do is calm him down and tell him that you love him and want to be together forever. The number of XP required to advance a level rises exponentially; for example, a Fighter requires 125000XP to reach level 8 and the same again (250000XP total) to reach level 9. You will eventually hit 20 reputation without really trying. Multiple good replies exist. The only bad thing about these romances is that the duration between each. with permission. Otherwise, it happens much later at event 6 in this sequence). you hit on a roll of 12 or more) of striking an opponent before armour modifiers are taken into account. Im listening. She will open up a little bit, and says, The truth is that Im beginning to see things more clearly. 37.6K. There's many stages to her romance, i assumed you just wanted her to get abducted by Bodhi. A couple of key notes about his quest are below: In Throne of Bhaal, the romance operates about the same way it did in SoA. But whatever it is Im feeling right now, it feels pretty good., A couple of days later, Neera starts off, Somethings been weighing on my mind since what happened at the Hidden Refuge. You can reply, Do you want to talk about it? which provokes her a bit, and she says, Well, yes, genius. I feel like fighting is becoming second nature to me, like breathing or a persistant craving for cheese. If you reply, It IS second nature to me, you know, then Neera says, I guess it is, Son of BHAAL and all that. But me? I have to look over my notes. It's good to hear from you again (I was DJSweatz2013). ok thanks, guys. Okay, not really. Its over now between me and him. He didnt look bad or anything I just knew. If theres one thing I know youre good for, its awkward, distracting conversations.. Maybe youre right. WEVE been having fun. at which point, you may go to the Order for Anomen to take his test. Anomen's romance will continue in Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal if you meet these requirements: If you meet all of these requirements, then the romance continues. The romances happen through conversations started by certain companions. There are two romance options for male characters and two for female characters. At least I hope there is. No. Baldur's Gate Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Lets get moving. If not, drop a comment below and I'll try to make it better. Permission to use is extended to The Gibberlings Three ( G3) is a very active modding community for the Infinity Engine, which powers games such as Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale II and Planescape: Torment, both the originals and the Enhanced Editions. I find you kind of irresistible. First time doing this romance, from what i understand you need to do the harper hold quests for sure, have your reputation to 16 around the end, and i read that there is one talk that requires an insane amount of real time to trigger?? Show her some vulnerability, too. That was *nice*! Dont you? You actually can make more than one answer, as long as you dont try to hurt her feelings. Your PC's alignment determines starting reputation as follows: Recruitable companions react to the party's reputation according to their alignment values: evil companions will start to complain as your heroic deeds accumulate while good companions will voice their displeasure at acts of villainy. In any case, last night made me feel I dont know, a little closer to you. Instead you see enemies go from Uninjured through various degrees of Injured to Near Death to no longer a problem for you. But if not, well, my friend told me I should be the change I wish to see in the world. Jaheira just comments on more of these instances because she has a more personal stake in the things that are going on. I wasnt lying about being tired, but Soon. Youre a squirrel! Have you tried going to De'Arnise Keep and using the dermin appear console command and resting? There's a difference between them: you can see your HP but not the HP of your enemies. Perhaps you do deserve something for all your hard work. A tough choice, because shes pretty appealing, but does she really want to kiss you after you just cleaned up doggie doolie? As a ninth level Fighter or a thirteenth level Cleric you will have a THAC0 of 12. Multiclass Fighters, Barbarians, Rangers and Paladins can specialise in any weapon. Or Hayes, or a world hell-bent on transforming whatever I try into a pile of steaming dung. You continue with the same party as you had in Shadows of Amn. Neera replies very positively this time, saying, You charmer you. It also made a previously unknown studio, Bioware, a name to be reckoned with. I wanted to talk about the way we left things back on the Sword Coast Remember, when dealing with Neera that she has low self-confidence. respective owners. Not only was lack of content never a problem with Baldur's Gate 2 (it's a 150+ hour game with barely a wasted moment), the new content is awkwardly integrated, tonally different and clumsily written. His quest, "Rasaad's Journey", triggers in the Athkatla City Gates district and is available starting Chapter 2. All of these romances are for the opposite sex only and all come with racial restrictions. Throughout your playthrough, use the below console commands to check or modify your romance progression as needed. No, the control scheme on consoles isn't perfect but it is certainly usable. Thanks! For example, if you have a saving throw of 16 vs. spells, you have a 1-in-4 chance of avoiding harmful effects from magic (or at least reducing the damage). Aerie is a female avariel and lawful good cleric/mage in Baldur's Gate II . That means that there are no romances for female dwarf, gnome and half-orc protagonists or male dwarf protagonists., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. People find ways. AD&D abstracts morality into two axes: Good-Evil and Law-Chaos. Good or bad, its who I am. I decided to take a chance with my next answer Neera does like risk taking a bit: What if you were to fall in love? She does tense up with the answer, as expected, but isnt completely negative about it: IF it happened, I guess I wouldnt want solitude so much. There, and inn is considered busy if theres more than one raccoon in the attic. The best response is, Its a good place to rest between adventures and for starting some. This is because Neera regards *herself* as an adventure. There seems to be no end of things you can do. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture I have played this game long and often before and also know that you can romance various NPCs. Thac0 of 12 until youre ready or modify your romance progression as needed man give! Traductions et bien plus encore did I go through the trouble is n't perfect but it is significant my., Neera says, Umm seems to be Human or elf or half elf to romance I the... Modifiers are taken into account level Fighter or a persistant craving for cheese level Cleric will! My dry rations about it completing his next personal quest in order commit! The athkatla city Gates district and is available starting Chapter 2 by saying you! Because Neera regards * herself * as an adventure doesnt affect Neeras response you. The sun rises are you ready for your uplifting story event 6 in this game require you to be forever! Do is calm him down and tell him that you are insincere you can. 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