Check it out: Now that youre up to date on some of the most unique abandoned places in Illinois, wed love to hear from you: are there any other long-defunct spots in your area that should be featured in an upcoming article? Addams denied the existence of such a child, but some believe that she was just trying to protect the child. In its early years, the mill played a crucial role in expanding Americas railroad network. Students and staff have reportedly felt cold spots, her a disembodied voice of a woman, and have reported items to go missingand later the are found in the exact place that was already searched. As German residents moved out of the community, the church was left abandoned and eventually closed its doors for good in 1956. The park had an excellent opening season as the harsh Illinois heat bore down on its residents. A few people have claimed to see balls of light floating over the golf course. It is located at the corner of Halsted Street and Polk Street. The statues is that of a menacing hooded figure, and those who dare look into it's face are given a taste of what is to come. I went there many times as a child and young adult. If you enter the cemetery after dark you can see them. Crews arrived at the two-story house in the 500 block of. There have been apparitions seen, strong odors, presences felt, and strange electrical occurances. Chicago-Archer Woods Cemetery-The gates on this cemetery are never closed, so it allows easy entery. Despite being abandoned for years the hardy concrete structure is still holding on strong. West Side Story in no longer performed out of respect for the former teacher/director. Once the sun rises, the doll disappears. They waited for him to return and chased him into devil's cave. Phone:(312)-943-5091Chicago-Union League Boys and Girls Club-This building was built in the 1800'soriginally a gentlemen's club namedTheChopin Club The club had one of the worst reputations for rowdiness on the West side. A main hallway can be reached through a room called the 'pool office'. This 1879 former courthouse is now a bed and breakfast inn with a twist; it still retains many of its original features dating back to when it served as the town jailhouse. Lisle-Benedictine University-Benedictine Hall-The ghost of a monk has appeared from no where and has been seen walking through walls. 41.54544, -88.0739Photo Credit: Bill There has been numerous people who have seen the ghosts of orphan children throughout the academy. The soldiers have been known to Staff members at this theater report disembodied laughter, footsteps, missing objects, and voices and applause that come from the auditorium when it is empty. The saint statue at the back of the graveyard is rumored to move at night, keeping watch on visitors. Milan-Milan Manor Apartment Woods-Back in 1986 a young boy from the apartment complex was ran over and kill by a tractor plow. There are plenty of places I kept off this list so get out there and explore. Its stone arches are overrun with ivy, and portions of the ceiling are falling to the floor. The house has now been remodeled and turned into a police station. People have reported seeing the ghosts of these small children, as well as hearing the voices of children saying,"Food" and "Food Please". A few occasions shadow people and strange faces were seen. Danville-Hungry Hallow Road-This road is haunted by the ghosts of several small children. There is a very sharp turn in the road, and apparently they did not see it in time, and they went off the road and crashed into a tree. She gave birth to the child in her room. At this time, a small black congregation moved in and purchased the church renaming it to St. Stephens. The Ashmore Estates was once part of the Cole County Poor Farm during the mid to late 1800s. located in Bensonville but there is debate about it being re-zoned to Wood Dale, Illinois. Located at 1184 West Main Street, Decatur, IL 62522 Phone:(217)424-6210Decatur-Old Nehi Plant-The old brick tower that is located at this abandoned bottling company is haunted by a malevolent spirit that attacked a little boy and almost killed him. 2 Descriptions Of The Weird, Wonderful, and Often Confusing Illinois Winter Weather. It is said to be haunted by many patients who suffered abuse here in the hospital's dark past. People have reported seeing the ghost of a man wearing a hat walking around these grounds. The teacher had a classroom located right behind the stage. There is a ghost of a slave who is not at rest, troubled that he never knew what true freedom was. Jennifer Bailey A new home has been built in it's place and to date no activity has been reported. The impact is felt, but when people get out to check on the girlshe is gone. People that drive or walk through the parking lot say that it feels like someone is pulling on there legs, on a few occasions their legs have bruised. It is believed that she and her child died during delivery. The house was originally a private residence and then converted into dormitories. People on the outside have seen candle light movingaround the building, often passing from window to window. The Vennum House was the home of Lurancy Vennum, a teenaged epilectic girl who was said to have been possessed in the incident known as the Watseka Wonder. The money generated from the surrounding office space was suppose to offset the cost of the opera house. There have also been reports of a werewolf and a man cloaked in black with red glowing eyes. A woman dubbed the "Grey Lady", has been seen by security guards on the video monitors. On January 13,1993 the police found the bodies of seven employees who were killed execution style. Most people visit the Anheuser-Busch Brewery, but some might prefer to tour the abandoned Lemp Brewery housed within the In the front of the mausoleum people have seen children playing and could hear them laughing. Elmhurst-Single track train track-Numerous people have reported seeing the apparition of a man carrying a lantern walking the tracksthen he disappears into thin air. Late at night the screams of a woman and small child can be heard. According to the story, Caroline Barnes was hanged by the townspeople for witchcraft. Legends say that anyone that enters the house will remain in the house forever. Trashmore a heaping pile of garbage in a local landfill. The ghost of his wife is seen here often. 41.8633, -87.9619Photo Credit: Mickey B. The activity has not stopped and seems like it will go on for a long time. Lacon-Old Salem Cemetery-The oldest cemeteryin the area, and is reportedly is haunted by several ghosts. The plant would continue to serve the country and go on support the war efforts during World War II. In this article, well explore 7 abandoned military bases you can find in the United States. Some monks from the Abbey across the street came over to help. In the basement of the school people said they heard a hammer striking metal, but no one was present. (Submitted by Callum Swift). The doll was placed in the casket and buried with the girl. By 1925 the population just surpassed 2,500. The Joliet Area Historical Museum is located at 204. 31 is the the better of the two sides. She stands there are stares at you the entire time you are in the cemetery. The prisons brutal conditions eventually led to Chicago gang members taking over a cell block and holding multiple prison guards hostage in 1975. There have been reports of glowing balls of light floating over the older sections of the cemetery. Located at 2157 W 19th Street,Chicago,IL 60608 Phone:(312)829-6840, Chicago-Union League Boys and Girls Club-This building was built in the 1800'soriginally a gentlemen's club namedTheChopin Club The club had one of the worst reputations for rowdiness on the West side. Chicago-The Givins Castle-In the southside neighborhood of Beverly, a man from Ireland built a "castle" he names Givins Castle for his wife who still resided in Ireland. To this day, people report seeing the creature looking out the upstairs-left attic window and the manifestations of luminous ectoplasm that ascend the staircase. On every July 4 that falls on a Friday, since 1889 a ghostly funeral procession forms here between 11pm and 12pm. Some people believe that the man is the that of the person who designed the school. Mattoon-Rag Doll Cemetery-This cemetery is located just east ofroute 45..between Mattoon and Neoga. There is also an area of the cemetery referred to as Hell Hallow, where there was eight unsolved murders in the 1930's. / Cash Loan Title Place. The front staircase is a hot spot for orbs, and a small mist has been seen as well. During opening night at a production of West Side Story, he suffered a massive heart attack and die before seeing the play. Many people have reported seeing the ghost of Johanna looking from the upper window. 41.54007, -88.07932Photo Credit: Eric Allix Rogers Most of them were reportedly children ranging in ages from 10 to 17 years old. Most businesses are shut down and most buildings are abandoned places locals no longer frequent. In 1966,two marines tried to tackle the spirits on the third floor. They were often beaten and sometimes so badly that they died. The church took 21 months and $800,000 to build. The apparition of a man in his 50s or 60s also has been seen. The house has been condemned by the city of Alton, therefor no one is allowed to go in. He then fell and struck his head and drowned in the pool. People have heard the spirit of Hester saying "Mommy, please don't kill me". Arcola-The depot near the rail road tracks-Reports say that there is a ghost around walking holding a lantern and swinging it back and forth. Doors have opened and closed entirely by themselves. McHenry-McHenry East High School-Students, teachers, and staff members have all seen the ghost of a man that walks around the school almost daily. The refuse to tell what they saw or heard, and vow never to go back in the building again. Passing motorists have also seen these glowing balls of light floating throughout the cemetery and sometimes toward the road. La Salle-Kaskaskia Hotel-This hotel has been the host of many paranormal events. Before the site was a waterpark, it was home to Mt. The school is located at3801 South Central Avenue, Cicero, IL 60650 Phone:(708)656-8000. Quincy-The Old Rebel House-A house once stood here and was said to have housed the devil. There has been the apparition of a small boy seen peaking around the corner. The Fischer has been renovated and is now reopened. She was having an affair and her husband confronted her, chased her out of her room to the main staircase, where she fell to her death. Phone (312)591-9222. Carpentersville-Instant Replay Sports Bar- (Formerly Big Boy's Restaurant) The building is haunted by several different spirits. KUNES CAMP, QUEHANNA WILD AREA Karthaus Kunes Camp Kunes Camp was built in the early 1900s as a hunting camp for a local family. Multiple appariations have been seen including the apparition of a man that walks through the downstair bar and up the stairs. Eyewitnesses report apparitions, footsteps, diesmbodied voices, showers and toilets that work by themselves, and many other strange phenomena at this historic inn. A day or two before production is when the spirit of the teacher is most active. It started as a grade school, then and high school and now is the English building. Crystal Lake-The Fountains of Crystal Lake-On the upper floor there has been reports of people seeing an apparition of an elderly woman that wanders the halls. The Shelton Brother that was the target of the hit was Bernie Shelton, and he was known to frequent the Parkside Tavern on a daily basis. There have been reports of the organ playing late at night when no one is in the church. Guests and employees report that they feel like they are being watched. Chicago-Garet Durson Mental Hospital-Numerous problems with electronic devices have been reported here, people have heard disembodied voices and screams, and a ghost of a woman has been seem running down the stairs wearing a white robe. Youre in the right place. According to the story, Caroline Barnes was hanged by the townspeople for witchcraft. Several people have also claimed to have been touched by unseen hands. While some buildings have been demolished, there is plenty of evidence of the Manteno State Hospital. The house was built in 1886 by Robert Givens, who modeled it after an Irish Castle. David Fife built the opera house around 1900 and is rumored to be haunted. They A glowing apparition has been seen in several hotel rooms late at night or in the early hours of morning. Lebanon-McKendree College-The ghost of Rhoda Penn Calbreath who supposedly killed her daughter "Hester", after she caught her practicing witchcraft in the nearby woods. One is about Stiffy Green, a phantom bulldog. The 1858 Hannah House, built by Alexander Hannah, was part of the Underground Railroad. It was discovered that all of the occurrences happened when the family's teenage daughter, was present. Carbondale. Visitors in cars also report shadow people flying over their cars and scratching or tapping on it. Web76.010 Disposal of unclaimed vehicles more than seven years of age; disposal of abandoned or unclaimed vehicles without notice. In 1926 that number doubled to 4000. A young man committed suicide inside a chapel that To avoid cold and rainy weather, a former artistic director used to jog indoors, around the upstairs mezzanine. The roof of the building has clasped and now covers the spot where the woman was killed. Red, white, and green orbs have been seen and photographed. One is in the projection booth, another on the stage in the main theater, and one is in the basement. Learn how to uncover more abandoned places and the techniques used to capture their beauty. They have been seen all over the hospital. Bernie has been seen in the tavern on numerous occasions, people have heard footsteps when no one was present, and the location where Bernie regularly sat often experiences a temperature drop of 15-20 degrees. Not too far away is a stone cabin that a ghost of a man has been seen. One member of a private group on Facebook believes these homes were in fact used by fire and police training. There have been several paranormal events that have taken place here. Many ghosts are said to haunt the historic Millikin University, including Rail Girl, who haunts the Albert Taylor Theater. It is believed that he is waiting for his family to return and join him. Clarendon Hills-The Country House Restaurant-The legend says that a womanwas having an affair with a bartender at this location many years ago. This old, abandoned, former mill site was once one of the first shopping centers to locate in the Mohawk Valley. It is terrible." Inthe 1920s, exorcist Hickman Whittington tried to rid the home of the evil spirits. Belleville-The Old Meyer House-This is an old brick house that dates back to the mid 1800's. While now a generally unknown location, the Theater has been known to be haunted when a volunteer of the Vermillion Heritage At Antioch Cemetery, the apparition of a man in a dark suit holding flowers has been seen peering down at a grave on foggy nights at around 1:30 a.m. The Robinson family was granted theland in1829 in gratitude for saving a white family during the Fort Dearborn massacre. Fox River Bed and Breakfast Located at 3367 E 2072ND Road, Ottawa, IL 61350 Phone (815)431-9257. There are numerous graves that have been dug and the people who are buried there are unknown. Customers have reported having the feeling as if someone was standing behind them whispering, but nobody was there. However, these photos were taken recently. The building was also used for two other business of his: a hardware store downstairs and, as Fife was also a licensed embalmer, a funeral home on the second floor behind the auditorium. It is surrounded by high walls with barbed wire and includes guard towers, a hospital, a gym, a cafeteria, a church, and more. Peoria State Hospital took on those who were considered incurable. Its original name was The Illinois Hospital for the Incurable Insane. The smell of decaying flesh has been smelled on several occasions. After killing them he hung them from hooks in the meat shed in the back of the property. With a good portion of his churchgoers moving to Ohio, a second pastor took his place. They said that they were surrounded by ghostly figures and heard a cacophony of voices. However, these photos were taken recently. Then, your car lights will go off and the car will stall. During the 20s the plant would supply steel for Americas demand for the automobile. For a more detailed reading about this place go to The side that is on the side where Rt. Once out of the woods, the farmer disappears. Also photographed were four monk-like figures that appeared on the staircase to the second floor. Nashville-The Old Han-Dee Mart Building-A former customer that frequented the store on a daily basis, continued to do so after her death. A strange feeling overcomes you when you visit this home. It is reported thatafter practices she moves props around. He is believed to be one of the lingering spirits there. There have also been reports of people seeing a phantom car driving past the cemetery and disppearing into thin air. The ghosts of Capone and several of his gang reportedly haunt the hotel. Attempts to repurpose the building into a juvenile home in the 1990s were ultimately denied. Another ghost dwells in the old hotel bar area, which is now the cafe. The woman is called the sobbing woman, because she is often heard sobbing and wailing. The site is not in the town of Cahokia, but is located thirty miles southeast of St. Louis. Oquawka-Alexis Phelps House-During the period of slavery, this house was a safe haven from slaves. Olney-Green Lantern Road-This is a old story told by locals, the story says that when you travel down this road after nightfall that you can see a green lantern floating behind your car. Several sounds have been reported as well, including peculiar cries, whistles, whispers, and a strange growling sound from the area near the shed. A dark shadowy figure has been seen moving through the school and cold breezes have been known to pass people. Many urban legends center on the sisters, such as that those who walk around their graves seven times by the light of a full moon would awaken the sisters' ghosts, which would chase them away. Cicero-Warren Park-On the top floor of the Warren Park Administration building, people have reported hearing moaning and footsteps, a misty apparition has been seen, doors open and close, and a window has been completely shattered. The main building had a connected structure that astronomers could live in while tracking celestial bodies. People have reported seeing her walking up the hill that leads to Castle Givins. This area is believed to be the area where witch craft was once performed. Lockport-Bruce Road- While driving on this road, the torso of a man has been seen floating towards vehicles on the right hand side of the road. People have seen moving shadows, felt cold breezes pass them by, lights and TVsturn off and on by themselves, doors open and close, and toilets flush by themselves. WebCoordinates: Location Address: Danville, Virginia The Danville Museum Of Fine Arts & History in Danville, Virginia was built in 1858 as a private home for Major William T. Sutherlin, and Lake Forest-St. Mary's Cemetery-Thereis supposedly a grave in the far back corner near the fence and creekpeople have reported seeing a young boy sitting on a headstone staring blankly at people. During the Spanish American War, the orphanage opened its doors to children during that conflict as well. The house is no longer standing, but people say that they could feel the heavy presence of negative energy here. Over the years the population would rise and other buildings would be constructed on the property. Strange glowing lights have been seencoming from the cemetery at night. They fade and vanish into thin air. Palatine-Fremd High School-Swimming Pool-In the 1970's a girl drowned in the deep end of the pool. The population would swell, and by 1872 over 1,239 inmates would crush the record for the largest prison population in the United States. The ghost of a former actor name Normie haunts the theater. The child was said to have hooves and cloven feet, pointed ears, horns, scale covered skin, and a long tail. Many believe the activity is caused by the former owner Frank Giff, who died when he fell off a bar stool. People who have visited the attic area have reported felling moving cold spots, and doors opening and closing by themselves. Grave robbers also used this area to do their grueling work. The house was built for wealthy Frank Shaver Allen in the latter half of the 19th century. Numerous apparitions have been seen, including those of thenuns who once maintained this resort, former guests, andsome even reportencounters with gangsters. Another theory relates to the O'Hare expansion idea. When they got closer the lady disappeared into thin air. Built in 1905, the employees of this library have heard strange noises including knocking, whistling, whispering, dragging sounds, and even the sounds of the toys in the children's area moving by themselves after closing. It was a major hotel with hot springs, celebs stayed there, POWs were housed there, now its ruins and fairly creepy. She also fell, hit her head and drowned in the pool. The family that lives there now has reported strange happenings. The church was constructed in 1917, and designed after The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. Some reported houses being bought and demolished to make room for an O'Hare expansion. Voices are often heard throughout the day when no one is present, and at times in a language that can not be recognized. Lake Forest-Barat College-This school is around 100 years old and has a ton of paranormal events taking place here. Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Just 25 miles from Chicago, the cemetery is one of Illinois' most famous haunted places. After that the building would be used for video rental until closing its dooring in the mid-90s. It was constructed deep in the forest between two large boulders that served as walls for the structure. Millstadt-Zingg Road-This road goes between Millstadt and Belleville just off State Route 163. It opened on May 24, 1926as a "Vaudeville Movie Palace." Today the prison is abandoned, but the current owners offer tours of the facility. 1. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! Formerly the Sage Mansion and once used as a halfway house, the Vigo County Historical Museum is home to some strange phenomena. His mural of Alton can still be seen there today. The friendly dog was named for his stiff gait and bright-green eyes. Located at 900 West Adams, Macomb, IL 61455 Phone 309-298-1891, Macomb-Western Illinois University-Simpkins Hall-This is one of the older buildings on campus. By the end of the experiments in 1941, 462 patients would die, and close to 200 would have escaped. Not Danville, but if youre brave enough dont mind the risk of being caught by the dude who owns the property, the It was closed down whenthere was no longer enough patients, and the government stopped the funding. There have been numerous apparitions seen here. ON certain nights dark shadows with red eyes are also seen. People who live in Danville generally consider the northwest part of the city to be the safest. Some say a helpful ghost is known to leave the cemetery to stop cars and tell folks to turn back Fischer Theater was a 19th century opera house located in Danville, IL that has served many purposes over the years including housing, stores, and of course, a theater. The area is open to the public for exploration, hiking, and biking. Chicago-Hephzibah Children's Home-Employees and visitors have reported a variety of paranormal events, including poltergeist activity taking place at this children's home. However, when they get out to look at the damage, no damage can be found and the other car is nowhere to be found. Paranormal groups have investigated the cemetery since the 1970s. Its possible underground manholes could intersect with the tunnel but those are likely fenced and locked. All but one of the windows around you will be boarded up. There has been the apparition of a small boy seen peaking around the corner. This large and very actively haunted cemetery is known for the ghostly weeping Greenwood Bride, and it's also home to many Confederate soldiers' spirits. Alton-St. Anthonys Hospital-As any hospital, this one is haunted by several ghosts. Many believe that her bones and the bones of her child were dug up and thrown into the lagoon. Chicago-S-M-C Cartage Company-Located at2122 North Clark Street. An apparition of a man wearing a black suit has been seen standing in the front of the building, and when he is approach he vanishes into thin air. The apparition of a woman appears with her hand reaching out like she is going to grab a hold of someone, then she vanishes into thin air. There has also been shadowy images seen in the pool area, and the gym/stage area. Mounds-Wagner Hill-The ghost of Mrs. Wagner has been seen walking through the cemetery on several occasions. He then cursed the land. For more information click here. Belleville-Belleville West-In the auditorium of the old Belleville West campus, now the Lindenwood University campus, is reportedly haunted by a former teacher that died prior to the production of her play. After the club has closed people have hear loud crashing sounds, but nothing has fallen. There were over 150 people who tried to spend the night on the third floor alone, but none were successful. Dogtown-Pleasant Grove Cemetery-The cemetery issurrounded by a forest and you need to take dirtroads to get back there. Back in the 1920's and 30's the mob dumped their victims in the lagoon that is next to the cemetery. What are some other spooky places to visit in Illinois? Building-A man was found dead in the basement of this building, but the cause of death was undetermined. The Gem Theatre first opened in 1910, but was wiped out by a fire in 1929. The faint sounds of foots steps can also be heard. People have reported hearing little kids laughing and crying in the kindergarten area, but no one was present. Decatur-Lincoln Theater-The ghost ofa one armed man has been seen near the spiral staircase. News. Olney-Salvation Army-The building is reportedly haunted by a small boy who died when he fell out of his mothers shopping cart. They have been heard laughing and seen disappearing into thin air. They have also heard strange noises, whispers and screams, numerous cold spots have been felt as well. The mob ransacked his home, but did little to further a real investigation. She has been heard pacing the hall in front of "her room" and coming down the stairs. WebLOST TOWNS OF MACON COUNTY, ILLINOIS A LOOK INTO THE PAST Originally published in the The Daily Review, on 9 Jun 1907. Its architecture isnt like most churches. Lockport-Canal Street Junkyard-The ghost of a little girl has been seen wandering the junkyard. In 1956 Judy and Dollie Walta opened a music school in the house. Roof of the lingering spirits there the faint sounds of foots steps can be. Structure that astronomers could live in Danville generally consider the northwest part the! West Side Story, he suffered a massive heart attack and die seeing... Astronomers could live in while tracking celestial bodies Taylor theater then and high school and cold breezes have several. Most famous haunted places walking holding a lantern walking the tracksthen he disappears thin... In Illinois closed, so it allows easy entery reported having the feeling as if someone was standing behind whispering! 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